Abnormal XRD Patterns on 10.1002/slct.202201166
XRD patterns with abnormal noise (backward and forward small peaks) was observed on the Figure 2 of article [1].
XRD patterns with abnormal noise (backward and forward small peaks) was observed on the Figure 2 of article [1].
Fabricated XRD patterns were observed on the Figure 7 of this article
Recently, the 5GH team found reused images and spectra on an article, on which the SEM device manufacturer Tescan was mis-identified as "Tescon".
Recently, the 5GH team found 4 articles with author(s) from China Resources Snow Breweries Co. Ltd. (华润雪花啤酒有限公司) have abnormal data and/or error bars.
An article published on "Environmental Research" has reused EDX spectra
Recently, the 5GH team found that 26 articles massively reuse spectra and images, and 5 other articles have questionable (hand-draw style) spectra.
Manipulated spectra and data bars were observed on this article