Manipulated Spectra on 10.1039/c5ra25330f

Except for a small peak (red arrow), the noise of two Raman spectra (Figure 2) of the article [1] is identical.


[1] 10.1039/c5ra25330f

Author: WU Guangheng

Founder and Chair of the 5GH Foundation


Document ID: 5GH-WuGH-2025.000028

Publication Date: 2025.02.11

This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License

Abnormal XRD Patterns on 10.1002/slct.202201166

XRD patterns with abnormal noise (backward and forward small peaks) was observed on the Figure 2 of article.

Fabricated Spectra on 10.1002/er.6183

Fabricated XRD patterns were observed on the Figure 7 of this article

Reused Images and Spectra on 10.1002/bkcs.12081

Recently, the 5GH team found reused images and spectra on an article, on which the SEM device manufacturer Tescan was mis-identified as "Tescon".

Reused EDX Spectra on 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112171

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Manipulated Spectra and Bars on 10.1039/c8ra10396h

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Reused Images on 10.1016/j.cej.2017.05.117

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