Investigations and Actions

Students from Hubei University Founded and Operated the Hudiandian Paper Mill

Recently, the 5GH team found 3 academic papers with manipulated figure(s). All these papers were co-authored by the founder(s) of the Wuhan Hudiandian Technology Co., Ltd. (武汉胡电电科技有限公司), HU Shengnan (胡胜男), and/or LI Mengying (李梦颖). Further investigation suggests the Hudiandian company or its founder(s) sold the data, which was part of HU’s and LI’s researches at Hubei University when they were postgraduate students under the supervision of Dr. WU Huimin (吴慧敏). The 5GH team would like to name this paper mill as “Hudiandian Paper Mill” (“胡电电论文工厂”).

40% Articles Co-authored by Chinese and Iranian Researchers Are Unreliable

A current investigation by the 5GH team reveals that on the journal "Material Chemistry and Physics", 40% articles with coauthors from China and Iran have unreliable data issues. The team investigated 34 papers obtained on October 3rd, 2024, using a searching strategy of "Journal or Book Title: Materials Chemistry and Physics, Author Affiliation: China and Iran" on ScienceDirect website, and discovered the above-mentioned outcomes.

A Paper Mill Is Targeting Scientific Reports, Authors from China and West Asia May Be the Costumers

Jalil Manafian, an author from Iran, published 7 articles on Scientific Reports in 2024. All of them have fishy authorship patterns: (1) Chinese authors were listed as first authors for the articles, the 8 Chinese authors (one as the second author) were from 8 different institutions; (2) the others authors for each article were from multiple nations in West and South Asia, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, India and others. The widespread cooperations between these authors suggesting the articles potentially originated from paper mill, although the 5GH team has no details whether Manfian is running this paper mill.

Abnormal Reference Patterns on Special Issue "Geomicrobiology: Latest Advances and Prospects"

An Investigation by the 5GH Team reveals that the articles published on the Special Issue "Geomicrobiology: Latest Advances and Prospects" have high proportions of references to Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez, one of the special issue's guest editors, suggesting potential misconduct by Saiz-Jimenez to promote his citations with his editorial role on the special issue.

Sampling Bias in Some BYHEALTH (汤臣倍健) Funded Studies

Concerns are raised regarding to sampling bias in some BYHEALTH-funded studies and other studies BYHEALTH took part in. The 5GH team, who investigated this matter, warns the scientific community and the public to pay more cautions in interpreting the outcomes of those studies.

Professor from University of Nottingham Earns Authorships by “Reviewing and Editing” Manuscripts, mostly with Tsinghua

YAN Yuying, a professor affiliated to both the University of Nottingham, UK, and the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, earned 11 authorships in 2024, with his contribution of “Writing – review & editing”. An investigation by the 5GH team reveals.

Abnormal Data on Articles with Authors from China Resources Snow Breweries

Recently, the 5GH team found 4 articles with author(s) from China Resources Snow Breweries Co. Ltd. (华润雪花啤酒有限公司) have abnormal data and/or error bars.

7 of 23 Articles in a Elsevier Special Issue Came from a Same Institution in China

Concerns are raised that XIN guest-edited the special issue to promote the publication from IARRP. But it may be another reason: XIN was not able to recruit enough articles, so that her friends in IARRP "helped" her. Or it may be other reasons we do not know yet. But the scientific community wants an answer to this question.

Acadamia Europaea Fellow Got Involved in Unethical Editorial Practices

CHEN Jianmin, a professor at Fudan University and a fellow of Acadamia Europaea, is currently accused to get involved in questionable editorial practices. The investigation by the 5GH team revealed that he got involved in 44 cases of unethical practices, including 2 cases of Edit-for-Themself and 42 cases of Edit-for-Pal, all of these editorial practices were given to the articles on “Science of the Total Environment”, an Elsevier title.

Most of the articles retracted due to "irregularities with respect to submission, authorship, and peer review" have ZERO self-citation

Up to recently, Springer Nature have retracted 59 articles due to "irregularities with respect to submission, authorship, and peer review", "irregularities with respect to submission and authorship", "irregularities in authorship during the submission process" and other similar reasons. 58% (34/59) of them have zero self-citation, suggesting that "ZERO self-citation" may be an indicator for problematic articles.

WANG Aijie’s Questionable Editorial Contributions on Environmental Research

Previously, the 5GH team and our international allies exposed some questionable editorial contributions of WANG Aijie as Editor-in-Chief on Environmental Research, an Elsevier title. As the investigation went on, we found more concerning editorial activities from Wang, a professor at Harbin Institute of Technology and CAS Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, and she was also a winner for the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, China. Here, we update the list for her questionable editorial contributions.

Unethical Editors from STOTEN Are Moving to a Nature Portfolio Title

We urge Springer Nature, the publisher of the journal, to keep eyes on the editors.

Paper Mill behind the Unusual Case where PRC Authors Called Taiwan "Republic of China"

Nowadays, the name "Republic of China" is not widely used to refer to Taiwan in academic articles, except for the those by Taiwan authors. However, the name was found 4 times on an article with no Taiwan authors were listed.

Editors Behind Santosh's Papers

Recently, the 5GH team and independent investigator(s) examined Santosh's papers on Geoscience Frontiers (GEOSCI FRONT), Gondwana Research (GONDWANA RES), Geosystems and Geoenvironment (GEO GEO), Geological Journal (GEOL J) from 2020 to recently, and found 65% (99/152) of the pepers wih authore-editor conflict.

A Group of Authors Massively Reused Spectra and Images on 26 Articles

Recently, the 5GH team found that 26 articles massively reuse spectra and images, and 5 other articles have questionable (hand-draw style) spectra.

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