Investigations and Actions

Students from Hubei University Founded and Operated the Hudiandian Paper Mill

Recently, the 5GH team found 3 academic papers with manipulated figure(s). All these papers were co-authored by the founder(s) of the Wuhan Hudiandian Technology Co., Ltd. (武汉胡电电科技有限公司), HU Shengnan (胡胜男), and/or LI Mengying (李梦颖). Further investigation suggests the Hudiandian company or its founder(s) sold the data, which was part of HU’s and LI’s researches at Hubei University when they were postgraduate students under the supervision of Dr. WU Huimin (吴慧敏). The 5GH team would like to name this paper mill as “Hudiandian Paper Mill” (“胡电电论文工厂”).

Abnormal Patterns in HAO Dingjun's Papers

Up to now, the 5GH team has no intention of making specific accusations against the above papers. However, considering the large number of the publications that may be involved in academic misconduct, the 5GH team calls for the participation from more institutions and individuals in order to promote the investigation faster.

Massive Retraction in Bioengineered

From late January to recently, Bioengineered retracted 54 papers, which were published from late 2021 to early 2022 by Chinese authors. The journal stated in the Statement of Retraction that this action was due to concerns about publication integrity and the compliance with ethical policies for human research.

A Editor in Non-coding RNA Research Has Abnormal Publication Records

These abnormal publications with Ozal Beylerli indicate the journal's poor manegement and low quarlity of the papers on Non-coding RNA Research.

List of Authorship-for-Sale Offering

It is a list of authorship-for-sale offering, collected by the 5GH Foundation with help from individuals and teams all over the word. We are publishing this list, asking for any clue about the publications of these articles. If you find any information about the publication of any article on this list, please contact us at, or the publishers/journals.

Academic Misconduct Record: TONG Qiangsong

Name: TONG Qiangsong

Affiliation: Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Misconduct Records for Editors in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Potential Misconduct on Journal of Integrative Neuroscience

Recently, we noticed potential misconduct on "Potential Misconduct on Journal of Integrative Neuroscience".

Retracted Papers from Medical Universities in China Show Up Trend

Using the data from Retraction Watch [1], we made an analysis on the retracted papers from 18 Chinese medical universities, and found that the numbers of retraction increased with the year of publications, highlighting the worrying academic misconduct in China's medical universities.

Abnormal Data in 10.3390/su11185003

Based on these findings, the data and the conclusion in Li's paper is not reliable, and we ask the publisher and the journal for a further investigation on the paper.

Author-Editor Conflict on 10.1371/journal.pone.0299881

Here, we would like to report about the Author-Editor Conflict in a paper

2 Animal Studies on ACS Omega Lack Ethical Approval Disclosure

Recently, the 5GH team found that 2 animal studies on ACS Omega, all came from mainland China, lacked ethical approval disclosure.

Author-Editor Conflict on Science of the Total Environment: Cases of the GAO-LI-WANG-AHMED Group

We report cases of author-editor conflict on Science of the Total Environment. Two authors (GAO Li and LI Xuan) and two editors (WANG Qilin and Warish AHMED) were involved in these cases, which raise concerns about the quality, reliability and publication ethics of the journal and the papers published on it. We call for publisher’s investigations on these and any further papers.

Editors Behind Santosh's Papers

Recently, the 5GH team and independent investigator(s) examined Santosh's papers on Geoscience Frontiers (GEOSCI FRONT), Gondwana Research (GONDWANA RES), Geosystems and Geoenvironment (GEO GEO), Geological Journal (GEOL J) from 2020 to recently, and found 65% (99/152) of the pepers wih authore-editor conflict.

A Malaysian Paper Mill Is Selling Authorship on Chinese Social Media

The 5GH team found that a Xiaohongshu account (ID: 1132185804) registered in Malaysia was selling authorship of academic papers

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